Once you register then login you will be re-directed to the adverts page which is the first step. There you will want to start by editing your advert. That is the advert everyone else will see. If you are a mechanic, potential customers will see this information listing about you and if you are a customer all the mechanics will see this information listing about you too. You can see for yourself just below the advert editing form. There you see all the mechanics if you are a customer or all the potential customers if you are a mechanic. View their profiles and initiate a converstation by clicking open chat.
Initiating a chat takes you to step two, the chat page. It is important to visit the chat page via a profile button first. You will see at the top who you are chatting with. After some conversation and it is up to the mechanic to take the next step by issing a work order. For example if you let the mechanic know that you need your breaks worked on, he will issue a work order. As the mechanic, you will want to discuss the work and once you feel you are on par with the customer, just mention, "May I issue a work order?". You do not want to be issueing work orders out of thin air. The customer should be expecting it. So if the customer tell you they needs their breaks fixed and you are ready to fix the breaks with a cost estimate in mind, then mention to the customer "I will issue a work order detailing the work with a price estimate". Then go ahead and do that in the next step.
The third step is initiated by the mechanic. Once you have discussed your needs as a customer, then wait for the mechanic to initiate a work order. As a mechanic, you have learned about the work involved, are prepared to do the job and have a price for the job ready, now you are ready for step three, which is to issue a work order. Enter a title, a price and work details and click the "issue work order" button. Now the work order has been issued and the customer will see it on their end in step 3. Let the customer know that you have issued a work order.
As a customer, you will login, click to conversate with the same mechanic and then visit step three to see the work order. Review it. If it is just as you discussed in the chat, the price is right and you are prepared to hire the mechanic for the work, click the approve button.
As a mechanic, you will login, click to conversate with the same customer and then visit step three to see the work order. It will initially be set to pending. Once the customer approves it, you will see a badge at the top right that the customer has approved the work. Now you have an agreement.